Feb 25, 2011

What's the Problem with the Boys?

by Emily Johnson

Ah Krakow, how doth I love thee so. From the moment I stepped off the bus in 2005 and walked dreamy-eyed into the rynek, I was head over heals for this magical, medieval city; with its hilltop castle and fire breathing dragon, bell towers, folklore and tragic Polish past... I could find nothing to fault. A few years later I would be calling this bastion of history home and even though this city still fills me with inspiration and joy, there is much that has come to frustrate me to no end, and I am not alone. The most irritating concern at the moment for many of us single women, is the problem with men.

Polish and expatriate men alike; decent and available men in Krakow are hmmm, few and far between, to put it lightly. This being said, Polish and expatriate women alike are flummoxed, and well, at their wits end. Women in our 20's and early 30's, we are educated, attractive and represent a fairly eclectic mix of personas and desires – yet we all seem to suffer from the same diabolical dilemma; the lack of dateable men. Hours upon hours of debating and pondering have been devoted to this most dubious subject. In bars over vodka drinks - in cozy homes in the dead of winter over bottles of wine – in beer gardens in springtime over too many Tyskie – on the river bank, on the tram, on the telephone while walking to work, through Skype, Facebook and any other online chat you can think of... OK, you get the point; it's been discussed, at length. So conclusions? Well, that's the most frustrating part! We're more or less, at a loss for any definitive conclusion for the lack in the male demography. Hard to meet, the majority of Polish men come across shy and insecure; hiding behind thema tall beers and swarm of male compatriots at the bar. Getting them to engage in any sort of worthwhile conversation is more like pulling teeth than flirting. Awash with mother issues, lack of self-esteem, unrealistic fantasies of the perfect female - 'relationships' are often very short-lived and provide more fuel for the fire of our wine induced rant sessions than anything else. Don't get me wrong, there are a few great men here; married or in long-term relationships, or the quirky, whip-smart male characters we call 'friends' – undateable to most of us, but loved regardless. They make us smile and provide countless hours of entertainment as the perfect uninhibited drinking companions.

But our problem remains, and how widespread this dilemma is is of great interest to us all. So, we implore you, oh great single women of Krakow; share your stories, woos and wonders with us – if we can't 'fix' our 'situation', at least we can bitch about it to our vexed hearts' content.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/3/11

    Single, female, Krakow...and mildly ashamed after reading this article.

