Apr 18, 2011

Things Women Can Do That Guys Cannot

There are many things women can do that men just can't and the worst thing is, they just can't acknowledge that we are definitely the superior pole :) But, here are few things that are socially acceptable for heterosexual women to do, but not heterosexual men. Both men and women CAN do most of these things, but the social implications are what often stop men from doing the things on this list. 

Women Can Openly Own Toys For Pleasure

How many guys do you know that proudly own some toy? For various reasons, some biological and some psychological, women sometimes have more difficulty pleasuring themselves than men do, whereas most men are content with using their hands. 

Apr 15, 2011

Just Shut up, will you?

So, you think you’ve had a bad date? Well, I assure you it could be worse...much worse

Not dating for some time makes everyone of us consider dating outside the box.
But  when does “considering other options”  turn into lowering standards? And then... how low is too low?

 Honesty is the key to every relationship - as our mothers say. I can already imagine many of you will roll eyes and disagree - if you happen to be doing so right now, it means you are just bitter, disappointed and probably haven’t had sex for a while. Well, welcome to the club. Just try not to slit your wrists before you finish reading this, as that would be terribly impolite towards the author.

When I date, I like to have a bit of time to believe that this time might be different. I truly appreciate this, so please allow to me believe we are normal and it’s the other people who are crazy. Allow me to believe you are normal. It is called - earning somebodys trust, getting to know each other - that is until that ‘kinky sex’ date at least.

There’s nothing more sexy than a good boy that can go bad...and yes it is true - women looooove bad boys...in the bedroom. I expect to be respected, treated as the lady that I am - and that includes; opening doors, lifting heavy objects, and being wined and dined.  When entering the bedroom, I expect to leave all the morality, proper behavior and delicacy on the other side of the door. Most women do.
...and here must be a “but”, so here it goes  - but women will do all that in a right time!